The British System is organised in year groups, these year groups are then arranged into 'key stages' which go together to make up the structure of the curriculum. The British System works on September 1st as the key entry date for each school year. It is the age of a child on this date that determines the year group to which they belong.
Early Years Foundation Stage
This important stage covers the Reception classes, which offers our youngest children a carefully integrated three year programme of learning. The progress of each child is closely monitored across the key areas which make up this stage:
Prime areas:
Personal, Emotional and Social development
Communication and Language
Physical development
Specific areas:
Expressive Art and Design
Understanding the World
During these formative years, we place particular emphasis on personal, social and emotional development.
As the children move through Early Years they build on their understanding of the world around them.
Key Stage 1
This stage covers Years 1 & 2 and consists of the three core subjects of Mathematics, English and Science together with Information Communication Technology (ICT) and the foundation subjects of Global Perspectives(Y3-Y5), Art, Music and Physical Education. In addition to these subjects, at the OIS,Kyrgyz & Russian languages are also taught from Year 1 and continue through all Key Stages.
Children in Key Stage 1 are taught through a 'topic approach'.
During these first two years of junior school life, students are encouraged to learn both practically and academically and all work is monitored to ensure that students are making the desired progress. We encourage the children to take pride in their achievements and adopt an independent and self-reliant approach to school and particular attention is given to the social and emotional development of all children.
Key Stage 2
This stage covers Years 3 - 5 and is made up of the same core and foundation subjects found in Key Stage 1.
Year 3 – ‘First Half of Key Stage 2’ Much of the work in these year groups is ‘cross curricular’, which means that one theme is covered by several subjects. Topics are structured to allow children the freedom to explore new subjects in a stimulating way, fostering their natural enthusiasm for more independent learning. In Year 3 the reading and spelling homework, experienced the previous year, is supplemented with written work, which increases in Year 4.
Years 4 & 5– ‘Second Half of Key Stage 2’ In the upper part of the junior school, a greater degree of autonomy and independence is expected of the children. They are gently encouraged to accept new levels of responsibility and demonstrate leadership skills. Such changes become evident in work habits and organisation, behaviour and self-discipline and their relationships with other students and with staff.
During the latter part of Key Stage 2, subject teaching becomes more defined, especially in the core subjects of English, Maths and Science. As students enter Year 6 they are prepared for the subject-oriented approach of the Secondary School and are expected to become more independent in planning and completing their studies.